Thursday, December 27, 2007

Since my last post went over like a lead balloon...

...I will post again.

Just for me.

No longer for comments.

Those days are gone.


I am taking this week off of work (of which I do not reveal what I do for anonymity reasons...yeah, yeah, I'm a very important person in the witness protection program and can't have my identity revealed).

While lazing around the house yesterday with a cold and cough, and quite frankly enjoying doing absolutely nothing, I tuned into the Ellen Degeneres show.

She begins the show with a monologue, and then breaks into dance.

Wow, how great is that?

I turned to my husband (who is also on holiday from his highly confidential job, and sat very patiently with me while I hackingly coughed my way through the day) and said...

"What could be better, I mean really, than to have your own talk show, where you can get up and dance each and every day, with an audience cheering you on, and your own D.J.?"

Of course my husband turned back toward me and said, "why don't you blog about it?"

Isn't that cute? How sweet,huh?

And in that moment it hit me...

this guy has figured out how to get me off his back!

Now that I think about it, this isn't the first time he has gently suggested I go blog about some inane topic.

And all this time I thought he was supporting me in this endeavor, while praising my great writing talents (coincidentally, especially when they are posts about him).

So there you go. After two years of digging into the depths of my brain, cranking out stories from my past and present, the truth is revealed...

Turns out, blogging has saved my marriage. When my husband was frustrated with me, he told me to blog.

When he could no longer listen to my words (I know, hard to imagine), he told me to blog.

When I couldn't stop talking about the same thing over and over, he told me to blog.

Turns out...the act of blogging is more than just a place to express oneself...

Turns out...

Blogging is a marital aide
. (you should pardon my expression).

Who needs Dr. Phil when you've got blogging...


Anonymous said...

we love "Ellen" it is one of the only day time shows I let my kids watch when they're home. really clean stuff. and she is hilarious.

PsychoToddler said...

Maybe if you had chosen an unleaded car for the prior post...

Seriously, I started blogging to spare my family from my inane comments and stories. Since, you know, it was pretty clear that they had no intention of listening to them anyway.

We're all much happier now. If only I could get my wife to start blogging more...

Shira Salamone said...

No such luck for my poor, long-suffering husband, who has to listen to me *read him my posts.* Really, Shira, how dumb can you get. (No, even *I'm* not dumb enough to read him *all* of my posts, but still . . .)

Val said...

Hilarious! "marital aide", indeed! :::Holding fingers in ears and repeating "lalalalalalalalalla":::!!!!

torontopearl said...

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. "I will post again. JUST FOR ME."

Okay, Ms. Cruisin' Mom, how many times since hitting "publish" did you re-visit this post to tally up the number of comments? Huh? Huh?

Hope you feel better soon. If not, might as well blog about it...'cause you do know that LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE. (for you, and for us)

cruisin-mom said...

E.K.: you know, Ellen isn't always clean, if you really listen, but it would go right over the little one's heads.

P.T.: still salivating over that car?

S.S: You personally read your posts to him?...awwww, that's so sweet :)


T.P.: How dare you accuse me of going back to check for comments (I have automatic email reminder)

FrequentFlyer said...

Found your blog via Quinn C's QCReport. Your comment about a "blog as marital aid" will certainly find its way into several conversations this party weekend. Perfectly funny and accurate. Thanks! (I will give you all the credit. People know I'm not that clever).

I was reminded of a guy I went to college with whose parents were very busy executives. For most of his teenage years they communicated entirely by morning memos (this was before email, etc.). He swears it was the basis for the good relationship they continued to share for the rest of their lives.

Go figure.

cruisin-mom said...

F.F.: thanks and welcome! Sorry you don't have a blog to read. But please come by anytime with your great comments. (I crave comments) As far as those memos...I think that anything a couple can do to communicate is a good thing.
I wrote a post about morning coffee
being the way my husband and I communicate each day, so, whatever works!

Rivka said...

Your post made me laugh, which was really good because the last post I wrote made me cry.

A friend of mine convinced me to blog as a form of self-therapy I guess, but my husband has never said anything one way or another. He reads my posts sometimes but at most says something like, wow that was powerful.

Still, I think I agree with you that it is better for our marriage that I write how I am feeling instead of using him as a supplementary counselor.

I'm sorry I have been absent for a while. In my life it seems that medication helps brain helps blogging helps marriage helps life helps confidence to cope helps medication...

I am glad you are still posting and I will try to be better about reading and commenting. Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Jack Steiner said...

I refuse to comment. Ooops.

cruisin-mom said...

Rivka: thank you for stopping by, and yes, blogging certainly is a good outlet.

Jack: LOL! (what else can I say)

Wendy said...

I can absolutely relate to this!
Happy New Year!

Ezzie said...

Heehee. Care to tell this to Serach? :P

Val said...

new post, please????!!!

cruisin-mom said...

Wendy, Ezzie, Val: thanks for your comments (you know i NEED them!!!)Val, having writer's block :(

PsychoToddler said...

I bought that car in Test Drive Unlimited. Unfortunately, it does not come in Kelly Green.